Thursday, 11 June 2009

Becoming More Decisive

I think I have become much more decisive since having fibromyalgia.
I used to worry a lot about making the right decision and would be awake at night worrying about anything and everything but it has taken a while to get to this place where I try not to worry about things I can nothing about.

If something is fairly unimportant I make the decision and move on- like what to eat in a restaurant or to have for dinner- its a waste of energy for me and you. although I draw the line at swapping my meal with my husband if I didn't like it like my mother -in-law did long ago when presented with a whole fish. She just simply gave it to her husband and enjoyed his lamb chops.

When I was in Turkey buying furniture I realised I was much less fussy about things than my sister if it looked fine was comfortable and did the job I said yes. Although it was good to have her with me for dealing with snags with workmen wheras I would have just let them go to preserve my energy, she was quite happy to go and deal with little problems so I guess sometimes I am delegating decisions to others if they are unimportant to me.

At the same time I do like to be included in decision making that effects me for instance it was nice to have my bathroom painted but I really don't like green and it would have been nice to have been asked what colour I would like. Again this is not major and I can live with it.

I think using target setting has contributed to my becoming more decisive because I set a target break it down into small steps and then achieve it- which is how we now have our lovely house in Turkey. I do say to my husband be careful what you wish for !!! If I set it as a target it will happen.

Its much less tring to be decisive and so far nothing really bad has happened because of it apart from buying a wardrobe that is a bit too big for Turkey- small thing.

Monday, 8 June 2009

Happiness Project -What Are You Going to Do Today

What Are You Going To Do Today Ask yourself the folowing questions
Is it fun, will it make you happy?
Will it make you feel better?
(Will it make you feel worse)?
Is it necessary?
Do you really want to?
Can you get someone else to do it?
Will it be hard for you but will you feel better after?
Will you feel like you have achieved something?
Does it matter if you don't "achieve" anything- in this life- on this day
is it enough to BE
yo love to be kind to anyone you meet
to care for and about others
to allow others to care for you
to laugh and be happy
to have fun every day

Friday, 5 June 2009

Happiness Project- Making Slough Happy

I have been a subscriber to Gretchen Rubin's Happiness project for some time now so have been thinking of ways of making myself happier.

I decided some time ago if I can't be healthy I am going to be happy so I have been working on my own happiness project and looking for information about being happy or becoming happier.

There was a programme on in England about a year ago called Making Slough Happy and te following is their list of 10 steps to Happpiness
  1. Plant something and nurture it.
  2. Count your blessings-at least five at the end of the day.
  3. Take time to talk-have an hour long talk with a loved one each week.
  4. Phone a friend who you have not spoken to for a while and arrange to meet.
  5. Give yourself a treat every day and take time to really enjoy it.
  6. Have a good laugh at least once a day.
  7. Get physical-exercise for half an hour three times a week.
  8. Smile at and/or say hello to a stranger at least once a day.
  9. Cut your TV viewing by half.
  10. Spread some kindness- do a good turn for someone every day.

I'd forgotten that I had this list so I am thinking I might try and do some of these things from memory I think the people living in Slough had to do one of them each week and then carry on doing each one while adding the next.

Will let you know how I get on with it Do you have any things that you try to make you happy each day?

gentle hugs

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

More Wise words

Whenever I see words that give me inspiration I write them down and keep them in a poretty notebook- well they are on here now, I hope you enjoy this selection.

Being a chronic babe means recognising your reality, accepting the limitations you can't change and being a rock star the rest of the time.

Chronic Babe

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles. But to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly--and happily- my addition

The purpose of life is to love and be loved.


Wisdom tells me I am nothing, Love tells me I am everything
Between the two, My life flows

A great Indian Master

Welcome to Holland
You thought you were going to Austria with mountains and skiing but you ended up in Holland which is flat and quiet. Holland can be just as nice when you get used to it.

CFIDS selfhelp group

Laugh think cry, That's a full day
Where you started, Where you are
Where you are going.
Never give up, never give up
Enjoy your life, your family.
Be enthuisiastic
Keep dreams alive despite problems.
Work hard to make your dreams a reality
Thank god for the day for the moment.

Morning Coach podcast