Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Wise Words- Notes to Self

I keep some notes to remind me not to be too hard on other people when they appear sometimes to be insensitive. I keep them as notes on my mobile phone so I remember to have a quick look if I am a bit down or getting cross with people.

When people say "you look good/well" it is becasue they want you to be better and it is kindly mean't.
You make a lot of effort to look good so take it as a compliment.

Phillipa Jones- Arthritis Care Trainer

If I was being kind to myself what would I be doing right now? What do I really need? Don't forget tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

I love you but I have to take care of me so I can have energy to take care of you

Other people have wants, but you have needs

Joyce Spence- my very good friend

Every day do something just to make yourself happy you have to have fun in your life

CBT counsellor

You always had it in you, you always had the power

The Wizard of Oz

Joyce Spence- my very good friend

1 comment:

  1. To the outside world you may appear to look well and it may have taken alot of effort - if you had a broken arm or leg people would probably understand more. Its like a lot of illnesses - they are unseen. Ive suffered with depression for many many years, I was often told in the begining to pull myself together, I wish I could.
    I apoligise if Ive ever been unsensitve in the past.
