Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Dreaded DLA Form Part 2

Have had two reminders for this form and as my weekend wasn't so good health wise and also following a meeting with a medic on Thursday that didn't go to well , I thoguht it's time to give it another go.
Wasn't able to get up until 2pm today and that was only with Tom coming and saying come on Mum its a lovely day so up I got and made a good start on the form have completed lots of the pages now and need to just get it copied and send it off and hope for the best. I think my problem is that it can be so important- will they let me keep the mobility element or take it away or the care element and then if they do what do we do for transport?
But.. I need to just stop catastrophisng about it get it done in the post and forget about it.

I will feel very glad when it is don it just makes you feel so low when you have to keep thinking about how bad you are but having had to complete that other form for the pain consultant on the hop last Thursday I just thoguht if I can do that so quickly I can do this one as well. So although I really was distressed by that meeting it maybe has done me a favour because it has spurred me on to do this one.

1 comment:

  1. Well done on having a go at your form. Nearly there.
